COVID-19 policy

At Monterey Personal Training we feel it is paramount to continue to meet your overall fitness and health goals even during COVID-19. MPT offers that perfect solution for you to continue to reach your health goals, in a setting that is safe, convenient, and effective.


How MPT Helps Prevents the Spread of COVID-19

All MPT trainers are fully vaccinated, and keep up to date on all preventative measures to control the spread of infectious agents such as COVID-19.

We work in open outdoor or highly ventilated spaces to maximize airflow and decrease the chances of infection.

Compared to a gym, we do not utilize shared surfaces and the unneeded heavy equipment that can increase your chances of getting infected. All equipment provided is sanitized before and after your session.

All MPT trainers are mandated not to partake in any client sessions if they have any symptoms of COVID-19. All sessions can be rescheduled to another expert trainer virtually or still in-home. 

This pandemic is already offering up enough challenges to most of us. Let us help you get back on track to your health and fitness goals after a trying year.